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Congratulations, Worthy Warrior!

You know who you are and you’re actively fighting for advocacy in yourself, your community and the world.

You're not just standing your ground; you're charging forward, armor gleaming and battle cry echoing. You know who you are and you’re actively fighting for advocacy in yourself, your community, and the world. Your confidence is as inspiring as it is contagious, and your impact is undeniable.

But guess what? There's always room to grow, even for a warrior as mighty as you. As you continue on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment, remember:

  • Replenish your strength
  • Nurture your spirit
  • Embrace new challenges with your trademark fearlessness

The world needs your strength, your passion, and your unwavering belief in the power of your worth.

Keep shining your light, Worthy Warrior.

Here is a little phone wallpaper to remind you of the gift of your own humanity on this journey.

Resources For Your Continued Journey

For the Love Podcast


Jen's Conversation with Jo Saxton

Jo is an international speaker and an author who has a deep passion for leading women toward their full potential.

Jo gives us insight into the sometimes complicated relationship with ambition.

Her ultimate goal is to show women of all kinds (mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, sisters, aunts, friends) their incredible influence on shaping lives.

From the BLog

My version of spring cleaning

You're already crushing it dear one. But we all need a little tune-up. Here is my version of Spring Cleaning.

May your social feeds, calendars, and heart be better for the clearing of a few cobwebs.

MeCourse: Friendship


Friendship is an incredible gift in life. It is so important, it’s literally vital to our health and wellbeing.

But what happens when it feels hard to find your people? Or you’re struggling to maintain your friendships? Or if your connections with your friends have changed along the way?

In this course, we’re going to help you find your friends — and encourage you along the way.