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Transform your friendships for the better.

Friendship is an incredible gift in life. It is so important, it’s literally vital to our health and wellbeing.

Platonic friendships, just like romantic relationships, require work.

But what happens when it feels hard to find your people? Or you’re struggling to maintain your friendships? Or if your connections with your friends have changed along the way?

We’re going to help you find your friends — and encourage you along the way.

Friendship For The Rest of US

Friendship For The Rest of US

Regular price $69.00 $25.00 63% off
Unit price

This online Me Course will help you feel more empowered and confident in finding, building, and maintaining friendships in your life.

We’ve packed this course to the brim with so many resources for you to help you make (and keep) friends.

5 jam-packed video sessions

Each about 15 minutes.


for making friends.


To guide you through pragmatic, powerful, friendship advice.


Links for continued support, podcasts, and book recs.

Meet The Expert

Course modules

Session 1

Benefits of Friendship

Friends are good for our health — mentally, emotionally, and even our physically. Just like we need oxygen and food, we need connection.

Take inventory of your current friendship landscape, check in with yourself, and realize the benefits of building intentional connections.


  • Loneliness Worksheet
  • Friendship Landscape Journal Prompts

Session 2

How to Make (and Keep) Friends

Making and keeping friends can feel very challenging. And everyone who feels that way should not feel alone — or like they have some fatal flaw.

Friendship is an ongoing process and pursuit that we constantly and consistently need to work at.

Learn the psychology behind our friendship struggles.


  • Making Friends As An Adult Worksheet
  • Dr. Franco Podcast Episodes and Articles

Session 3

How to Be a Good Friend

The qualities of a good friendship are all the
pro-social behaviors that make people feel cared for. This includes: affection, generosity, healthily working through conflict, authenticity, vulnerability, and reciprocity.

Let’s make these concepts a little more tangible with some ways you can be a likable — more loving — friend.


  • How to Be a Good Friend Guide and Worksheets

Session 4

Should I Stay or Should I Go

Conflict in friendship can be good. Dr. Franco tells us it is necessary, in fact. Healthy conflict is a sign of intimacy. It can even build trust in the long run through vulnerability, authenticity, and honesty.

But what happens when a friendship goes sideways,
or when there's drama or toxicity?


  • Should I Stay or Should I Go Worksheet
  • Friendship Breakup Script

Faster THAN Reading a BOOK

This course meets you where you are - and helps you get closer to where you want to go - in just a couple of hours. 

This Is For You If:

You feel like you’ve always had a challenging time making friends.

You’re in a space of transition in life, which has led to loss of connection with friends you used to be close with.

Your friends have moved away or are in different life phases than you’re in.

You’re feeling lonely or isolated.

You feel like you need to “break up” with a friend and you’re not sure what to do.

“Friendship is one of those gifts in life we can run to when it feels like the rest of the world just doesn’t get us.”